Saturday, February 16, 2008

Back pain

Here it is, President's Day Weekend, and I'm planning on spending it horizontal. I hurt my back in November and the pain keeps flaring up. I spend a good portion of each day flat on my back, watching Oprah.

I consider myself *very* health care savvy but have no idea which direction I should be headed in regarding physical therapy. I talked to one doctor at the New England Baptist hospital and she's recommending a very aggresive PT program in Chestnut Hill. Then I went to an osteopath in Arlington and he said I need to heal first and should do a more gradual progressive therapy program and recommends Spaulding PT in Medford. When I asked doc #1 about going to Spaulding instead of Chestnut Hill, she actually said it would be a waste of time!

What to do... What to do... Any ideas out there?

1 comment:

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Oh man, nothing worse than back pain. I suffered with it from a car accident in the mid 90's and it can be debilitating!! I'm sure where ever you get your pt it will be fine. Just make sure to get the pt. My hubby hurt both his ankles this fall and just finished his pt and it was a real blessing. He'd still be limping had he not gone. I hope you're feeling better!!